
Manage all your sustainability attributes through a single, easy-to-use interface.

Assignment Parameters

Achieve Bio Optionality

Veriflux360 processes, organizes and maintains sustainability data associated with your transactions, and helps you identify and manage the regulations and schemes for which your product is eligible.

Bio Bundles, Veriflux

Looking to Qualify in Specific Markets?

Veriflux360’s Bio Bundles will help you manage eligibility and identify any missing data elements.

Manage Your Inventory

No matter your scale, from a single tank’s daily flow to an entire terminal’s activities across a whole year, we can help. Our inventory tools make it easy to know how much product you have available for use in your transactions. Search your inventory by supplier, product type, bio bundles, and more.

Manage Inventory

Deal With Blended Product?

No need to worry. Just select the products and set your preferred accounting method (e.g. FIFO), we’ll handle the complex math and record management for you… all with a click-of-a-button


Concerned About Data Entry?

Don’t be. Whether you want to track thousands of individual shipments or a single contract, Veriflux360 is here to help! Simply record your transaction, or upload an existing report and use our column mapping tool to link each attribute with a Veriflux data element.

Bulk Import Transactions

Generate Traceability Reports

With Veriflux360, end-to-end traceability is only a click away. When inventory is assigned to a transaction, Veriflux360 automatically generates traceability reports detailing the supply chain and points of origin behind that transaction. Provide these traceability reports to external parties to substantiate your product’s sustainability claims

Traceability Report

Use a Legacy ERP to Manage Inventory?

Ask about our API-integrations that enable your existing business systems to connect to Veriflux360. With Veriflux360, you can view all your inventory and its sustainability attributes in a single platform, no matter where the original data resides.

Start your Bio Optionality™ journey today